Navigating the techie world has always been difficult for me. It was unfortunate that during my working years, I did not really become adept in advanced computer applications which were vital in expediting work processes. Maybe, what led me to my waterloo was my inability to embrace change. With this mindset, it became a struggle for me to keep myself abreast with the many facets of computer operations. As I assumed more pivotal roles in my workplace, and had subordinates doing the nitty gritty of the computer aspect of my job, I was unable to achieve significant headways in terms of computer knowhow. What I did was to utilize the data gathered by my people. Based on the collated outputs, I prepared comprehensive reports appurtenant thereto. With my penchant for writing, I immensely enjoyed doing the write-ups.
It was only when I retired from work on April 18, 2012 that my interest was awakened by the digital world. With more time to spare, I started using softwares and certain gadgets upon the proddings of my children. I never regretted that day- September 23, 2013 when I started to post (in my own facebook account) the essays, poems, short verses, commentaries and other literary articles that I wrote. My introduction into the digital realm made my senior years quite fun and exciting. I also gained new friends and re-established connection with high school batchmates on social media platforms.
A few months ago, I became a member of the Techie Senior Citizens & Retirees Philippines, and just recently, was part & parcel of the group, Canva for Freelancers. The Techie Seniors’ page has motivated me to enhance my knowledge in certain computer applications. I can now participate in bible studies via zoom, access my email via laptop, and was apprised about the basics of internet use, data security & management. Meanwhile, the Canva Tutorials that I began viewing, alongside the learnings obtained therein are useful tools for my ongoing family business. Through this, I learned how to create a logo for the family’s business venture. Through Canva, my continued exploration of whatever applications I could lay my hands on will help me and my family gain wide market acceptance of our driftwood & bonsais. I look forward to creating interest-catching artwork designs for flyers/ ads for our existing products. Additionally, the Canva for Freelancers’ page has become another important source of information for neophytes like me. The graphic designs posted by fellow members encourage me to hasten my learning curve, crystallize ideas into creative designs and consequently take pride in whatever art piece I would be able to come up with. In the near future, I hope to play around with animations, add music in created art forms, and utilize effective marketing and advertising tools to connect with my target market. I am also eager to make intricate cover designs for my compilations of original literary articles that I myself penned.
I am grateful that through my membership with Techie Seniors and Canva for Freelancers, I am treading a more fulfilled life. Lucky enough, I am catching up with the modern trends I need to keep pace with. In the process, the learnings that I continue to acquire will greatly benefit my business interests and artistic flair.
Written by Leila Puno de Asis